Sexual assault

Welcome the website of the Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal. Whether you are a caregiver/counsellor, a sexual assault victim, or someone who is close to a sexual assault victim, this site has been prepared to give you the information you need to deal with situations involving sexual assault.

Information for the extended community of caregivers and counsellors

Most of the information on this site is intended for people working in community, school, health, police or judicial services whose work often gives them the opportunity to create a bond of trust with the people who come to them for help. This type of connection sometimes encourages victims to reveal the sexual assault they have suffered, so it is important to know how to react to this type of disclosure and how to refer victims to the appropriate resources.

The content of this site provides answers to the many questions that can arise during the course of such interventions. For example, how should you proceed in cases of emergency? What should you do when someone tells you about a recent assault? How should you react if you suspect that a child is being sexually abused? What are the best attitudes to adopt when someone tells you about her sexual assault? What attitudes should be avoided? Where should you refer sexual assault victims and survivors?

For a detailed map of this website, click here.


Information for victims and those close to them

An entire section of this site is devoted to victims of sexual assault and their family and friends. Regardless of their ethnic origin, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation or physical and mental abilities, victims will find information and resources that will meet their needs, address their concerns and answer their questions. The tabs on the left side of this page will help visitors to the site find the content they need.

The Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal has also published an Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims available here in different languages.


Online directory

This site also includes a user-friendly online directory of services (available only in French). When the site is open, the directory is just a click away on the right side of the screen. It lists community organizations, including specialized organizations that provide direct assistance designated centres, support centres for victims of sexual abuse (CALACS) and the crime victims assistance centre (CAVAC) — as well as government/public services. These resources on the Island of Montreal offer specialized, complementary services to victims of sexual assault.

Important note Attention - exclamation-circle_orange.png
Only the following sections intended for victims of sexual assault and their family and close friends have been translated into English and Quebec Sign Language (LSQ):

Last updated on December 4th 2013.

*** This Website is funded by the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal.

Développement web : ViGlob