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Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims


If you are a victim of sexual assault, this guide prepared by the Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal is for you. The information it contains will be useful for you and for your family and friends, whether the sexual assault occurred recently or a number of years ago.

The Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims is intended for all adults and adolescents 14 years of age and over, regardless of their ethnic or cultural origin, religion, sex, gender, identity or sexual orientation. It is also intended for persons with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities or mental health disorders. It provides information on the following topics:

    • Definitions and various forms of sexual assault
    • Myths and prejudices surrounding sexual assault
    • Statistics on the victims and perpetrators of sexual assault
    • Possible effects of a sexual assault
    • Deciding to talk about a sexual assault
    • Role of family and friends
    • Assistance available to sexual assault victims: medico-social, psychological and other services
    • The law and the judicial process
To obtain copies of the Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims, contact the Secrétariat à la condition féminine at scf@scf.gouv.qc.ca by giving your name, your organization's name and address and the number of copies in each language. You can also download the guide in PDF in :

Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault


This pamphlet lists and describes all the services and resources that are available for victims of sexual assault. Click to download the pamphlet in :
Saviez-vous que - question mark-balloon_green.pngDid you know ?

To find a resource or service on the Island of Montreal, consult our resource directory (available only in French).

If you don't live on the Island of Montreal, if you have other questions, or if you are looking for a resource close to where you live, call the Sexual Violence Helpline for a referral to an organization that will meet your specific needs.

Everywhere in Quebec: 1 888 933-9007

Développement web : ViGlob